drink in public places. Now here's the funny part in New York, where it is illegal. You see many people drinking a beer, Rum or any alcoholic beverage in public. Most of the time. It's concealed in a juice bottle or brown bag. if you get busted by the cops. You can receive a ticket from $25, up to $75, and maybe more. In Japan on the other hand, it's completely legal to drink in public places. But the funny part is that you don't see anyone drinking in public places, unless there is a special occasion. Like a festival or a gathering of friends in the park. Usually the only people you see drinking in public are foreigners that come from places like New York and really want to enjoy a beer walking the streets. it's funny how the human psyche works. If you tell someone they can't do something. Then they want to do it if you tell them they could do something. Then they don't bother to do it. HUH!!!!
Now on to the topic of smoking in New York, and most of the states are not allowed to smoke indoors, but you can smoke outside, and some places you have to be 25 feet away from the building. In Japan. They implemented a new law, where you can't smoke in public only in designated smoking areas. Almost all the restaurants and cafés have a smoking section. I know I know it's weird, doesn't make any sense to me. I know that most non-smokers would prefer the other way around. I've been trying to find out the reason why the laws this way, but haven't found one yet. Will keep you updated when I do. even for a smoker, though smoking sections can be overpowering. So as a smoker. I prefer to sit and non-smoking section, who wants to taste tobacco and food together. YUKE!!
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